Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Absence of Mercy by John Burley

This is a horrifying book!I am not talking about the author's ability to write but rather the storyline of his novel. The author , being an actual doctor, begins the chapter with an extremely grisly description of a teenager's death. It was way too graphic for my taste. Though I have read worse, it appeared that the author was actually describing a particular macabre death he encountered in real life. Not just a wild imagination of a horror writer whose main aim was just to inflict terror on his audience. Burley's description depicted the death with so much detail that it reminded me of an actual case committed in 1993 that made headlines during that time. I could actually visualize the pain and suffering of the poor boy. The only thing I did not like about the book was the use of too much medical terms that made the reader more overwhelmed than informed. It would have been good if it were an actual movie or tv program wherein visuals could help the viewers understand all this medical rhetoric. Anyway, the killer came to me as a surprise as I had to skip some portions because of the confounding amount of details being given.