Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No Time to Say Goodbye by Barclay Linwood

25 years ago a very recalcitrant teen name Cynthia Bigge, comes home defiantly in a drunken stupor only to wake up to the surprise of her life. Her whole family vanishes without a trace ! Twenty-five years later she is now a married woman raising a daughter with her husband, Terrence Archer , who teaches in one of those undesirable schools . Her husband is so intrigued by what has transpired in the past that he took upon himself to contact a TV station to reopen the case and search for clues. This has then opened a can of worms and starts haunting Cynthia again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

This  is a collection of novelettes made by famous writers with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson as central characters. May I point out one well known author, Mr. Stephen King , who was included in this anthology. I owe Mr. King an apology when I thought he has copied another writer's story line with "The Doctor's Case". Fortunately one mystery enthusiast who frequented another mystery forum informed me that the reason it sounded familiar was because it was already published in King's other collection , "Nightmares and Dreamscapes".

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Virgin of Small Plains by Nancy Pickard

Okay! Do not be thrown off by this pathetic title. This is actually an excellent murder mystery by Nancy Pickard. Though I wasn't  thrilled with her previous work, I have to admit I was pretty impressed with this one. The story starts in 1987 during a blizzard. While rounding up newborn calves , the sheriff of Small Plains and his teenage sons, Rex and Patrick, discover the naked frozen body of a beautiful teenage girl. Recognizing the dead girl and fearing that the killer is someone they know and need to "protect", they bash the girl's face with the help of the town's doctor and leave her in the snow to be later "discovered" by someone.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Murder on the Cliffs by Joanna Challis

This novel features a young Daphne Du Maurier in a fictionalized murder mystery. Her future husband is included in the storyline though a romantic atmosphere is not yet created. I suspect the author is planning a sequel which would gradually address their romantic relationship in future stories. But then again, that is only my opinion.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello and welcome to my Murder Mystery Blog!

I had a wonderful blog that was supposed to showcase my thoughts on several mystery novels and suspense-filled movies that entertained me in the past. However, to make a painful story short, I accidentally deleted my old blog as I was carefully (in my dreams) transferring it to my google account. Alas! I had to redo it!