Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello and welcome to my Murder Mystery Blog!

I had a wonderful blog that was supposed to showcase my thoughts on several mystery novels and suspense-filled movies that entertained me in the past. However, to make a painful story short, I accidentally deleted my old blog as I was carefully (in my dreams) transferring it to my google account. Alas! I had to redo it!

After recovering from that excruciating experience, let me take the time to introduce myself. I am a staunch fan of anything mysterious and thrilling. Hence, it would not come to a surprise that I regularly order books from The Mystery Guild and have started a monthly subscription on the Alfred Hitchcock magazine. To my family's disdain (I have a husband and 3 kids) , I don't share their absolute delight in comedies and romantic films but veer towards the macabre in cinema. Weeeelllll...not too macabre. After having the kids, I mellowed out and refrained from horror films and stuck to mysteries.

On a lighter note , I do have some light hearted hobbies, like creating projects in photoshop, web design and the usual refreshing walk around the neighborhood to breath our excellent mountain fresh air.

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