Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Witch

I know this is a movie but after being horrified by its story line, I was impelled to write about it. It is NOT a "slasher" movie that prevails most often in our silver screen but rather a very extremely disturbing film. It was based on documents found about the puritanical era so the language they used and the sentiments the characters felt are addressed in this movie. I was distressed because it implied the presence of a cruel and vengeful God we read about in the old testament instead of the loving new testament one who is always sanctified by church authorities.
It is about a very pious family that was tormented and eventually killed off by evil spirits. No matter how much they prayed and adhered to all the laws God has given them, their prayers went unheard. What was also troubling was that the way their lives ended showed no possible hope that their souls were saved in spite of the horrific events they had to endure. So reminiscent of the Salem Witch trials wherein several people died a painful death with God not intervening at all. Makes you wonder if you are wasting your time even asking for the yoke of pain to be removed from your shoulders. I know it is only a "story" but the mere fact that it is actually one of the documents made during the Salem Witch trials, a more famous record of atrocity allowed to happen in the olden days, makes you pause and think. If this happened to God-fearing people who did the right thing, imagine what could possibly happen to you. Repent and pray and still feel the flames of hell?

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